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Anonymous commented at 2016-01-10 03:51:43 » #1880561

... you mean like step-sister, right?

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-10 06:34:30 » #1880606

God, this game... It just did so many things to push my buttons, from the nonsensical story to the characters, especially the milquetoast hero, to the lame dialogue...

I don't know know why it is, but I don't think a game ever pissed me off as much as this game did. I've probably played worse games, but there was just something about this one that killed me.

Sorry for the rant.

4 Points Flag
ShiftKey commented at 2016-01-10 08:14:22 » #1880642

Wait, isn't this the game with the "dinner dance"?

-goes to check-

HOLY SHIT, IT IS. m.youtube.com/watch?v=XlHZrBUimuY

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-10 19:56:28 » #1880950

So what you're saying, Anonymous, is that this game is like every other game made in Japan?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-10 21:45:29 » #1881001

I wish it was more like every other Japanese game.

You play the coward in a team with the true hero of the game. It's like being Vaan in FF12, but at least Vaan wanted to actually do stuff instead of just wanting to play his flute and be a fucking waste of space.

Every female your come across wants to fuck the true hero's brains out and treats you like shit, and only start liking you and even loving you when that true hero is dead. It's the ultimate NTR RPG.

1 Points Flag
ShiftKey commented at 2016-01-10 22:07:40 » #1881006

@Anon4 So it's basically like the manga, The Hero has Died, except not as fun and the MC is a really boring and shitty character.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-11 08:12:45 » #1881203

Really boring, shitty, and can't do anything without other people telling him to do it.

It's never "I'll save these people!", it's "I don't want to save people." "Just do it!" "Fine then, jeez! Stop pushing!"

2 Points Flag