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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-08 02:07:48 » #1982697

the character design is faithful to the original series!

very cute and elegant ladies drawn wonderfully by so many freat artists!

the sample pictures for this are just as hot as the happiness charge and the suite haa haa cg syu sets as the artists who made art for the previous 4 preure haahaa cg syu sets are in this one too!

there is going to be a mahou girls precure the current running season of precure haa haa cg syu set coming out this year for sure! i cant wait for this haa haa cg syu to come out , mahou girls precure is great!

as in the past a new precure haahaa cg syu set shows up in the middle of the airing of the current season of precure as the go princess precure set showed up while new episodes of go princess precure were airing on tv.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-08 02:15:10 » #1982701

this is an old set i dont see this one on a lot of shoppping sites , it seems that this one is sold out on most of them.... any scans of this yet?

its getting hard to find.
the first 310 sets are not seen on most shopping sites either. this circles sets are vanishing off of the shopping sites and web search results even faster than ever before!

so its hard to gather info about this circle and its new releases or anything about new scans from this groups cds....

asking around online seems to be the only effective method of finding out about anything related to this circle....

in the past it was super easy to find out by oneself using the search engines , but now they are viturally usless in regards to anything lolitachannel/arigaseshinji related.



these 2 are a few of the most recent sets that have been out for a few months now that have no scans or any info about them online other than these sample images...

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acap commented at 2016-08-01 08:02:29 » #1996129

CG and out 322 sure gyutto.com/search/search_...arch.x=15&search.y=14

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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-03 13:30:00 » #1997451

@acap >> #1996129 also on dlsite and digital getchu and digital dmm shopping sites.

by the way acap have u seen this set anyewhere online?

or someone you are in contact with on other sites has seen or has this?

it is suprizingly old now been out since 2015 and no links , torrent or dl has shown up since release.

still the usual random volume upload of scans from this doujin circles stuff , but yet no requests for this or any of the other sets still floating around on shopping sites but has no scans.

no even the dlsite versions of these sets are around on the net yet!

granted most of them are recent and quite new on dlsite/dmm , but they have been out for quite a long time that though the scans would have shown up way before dlsite/dmm version became available on those shopping sites.

soon this group is going to make parody doujinshi of next years upcoming anime fenom that is so popular that this groups stuff becomes very hard to find. similar to gate anime and danmatchi anime , next year will have its big hits and soon after they air , parody doujinshi from lolitachannel will happen.

i just knew that danmatchi lolitachannel set was coming from episode 1 of danmatchi the day it aired , but as usual i didnt know when but i had a feeling it was soon and i was right!

so lolitachannel doujinshi in 2017 is going to be even ahrder to find especailly if noone knows anything new is coming until the doujinshis are old and have been out for months , just like with this one so do your best acap to continue letting us know about new upcoming doujinshi from this circle and good luck on finding help in getting more doujinshi scanned from this group! it is well worth the effort as these doujinshi cd/dvds are going to be impossible to find other than on auctions in a years time.

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