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sick-fuck commented at 2015-12-26 22:33:14 » #1872128

too bad for her; tears and screams would only turn me on more and make it worse for her.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-04 15:11:09 » #1877288

Hey, don't cry, it's not so bad. With that artist you'd usually be tied to a bomb or left in a tank to drown or something. At least this way you'll live!
I mean, sure, it might end that way further down the line, but...hey, there's lots of fun to be had in the meantime! With all these gags and ropes and toys and...uh...okay, it'll be fun for me, not you. Very definitively not you.
But hey! Sure, this is going to suck, but think of how much else you've got going for you! You're young, got a good home and parents that love you, friends and dreams and so much to live for! Like...well, okay, you're probably never going to see those friends and parents again, your dreams mean jack shit now, your life as you knew it is pretty much over...but...uh...
Okay, nevermind, you're right. This is pretty bad. Keep crying while I unpack your gear.

12 Points Flag