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Anonymous commented at 2015-12-17 10:01:32 » #1866973

Here's one of the reasons I've been so underwhelmed by the tournament this season. They said in Volume two she was saving it up for it and we didn't even see the fight she was in. She wasn't even in her team's double match. Not that Coco and Yatsuhashi weren't the clear choice. It just seems to be a waste and save something up for a year and either use it in the first round or never.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-17 19:16:05 » #1867196

@Anon 1:

Except they never said in Volume 2 that she was saving it up for the tournament. Coco only said to Velvet to not waste it here because she spent all semester saving it up. That doesn't necessarily mean it was meant for the tournament.

4 Points Flag