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Migtail commented at 2016-07-09 08:31:08 » #1983361

My translation... I did the best I could with what I know of Japanese. I'll finish the rest later. Perhaps in a couple days or at least at some point during the next week.

Don't want to finish right now, despite being so close to the end.

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Migtail commented at 2016-10-31 13:54:29 » #2042639

I saw this in my favorites earlier today and remembered that I had left the translation incomplete from before, so I finally (in between doing other things at the same time) went and finished up to the end from where I had left off nearly four months ago.

I can't guarantee a 100% accurate translation, but I tried to faithfully carry over the original meaning as much as I could, given my incomplete knowledge of Japanese.

If the excessive notes are bothersome, sorry. I felt that I could help reduce some possible confusion due to the lines being written rather than spoken, so it can be difficult for other readers to figure out since it's not always clear which characters are saying (or thinking) which lines. If this was done in audio, it'd be a lot easier to follow what's going on I think.

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