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Now Viewing: The Doujin page loading issues
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#666 - Group: The Jetsons did 9/11 - Total Posts: 133
The Doujin page loading issues
Posted on: 07/13/14 12:04AM

I'm having issues on the doujin where sometimes when I'm moving through the pages a page will not load. Refreshing does not resolve the issue. It's extremely annoying and disruptive. Are there any workarounds for this? I'm using the Pale Moon browser, FYI.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6820
Posted on: 07/13/14 12:25AM

I'd recommend reposting this on TheDoujin's forums here:

I don't think most of our active mods would be able to help you with issues regarding TheDoujin, since none of us are involved in running TheDoujin, and I have no idea how much each of us use the site, so usually questions like this are better asked on TheDoujin's own forums, since you're far more likely to get a response from someone who knows much about TheDoujin.

I've passed this on to lozer nonetheless.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2252
Posted on: 07/13/14 08:01AM

If you mean a single image won't load, then it's likely you are running adblock. The work-around is disable adblock.

#666 - Group: The Jetsons did 9/11 - Total Posts: 133
Posted on: 07/13/14 02:28PM

lozertuser said:
If you mean a single image won't load, then it's likely you are running adblock. The work-around is disable adblock.

Then we have a problem. I've had multiple scares with malicious ads on this site alone. That was the reason I installed adblock in the first place. I can't imagine TheDoujin's ads being any less intrusive.

Nothing personal, but I can't risk disabling adblock on these kinds of sites considering my past experiences.

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4399
Posted on: 07/13/14 03:22PM

I don't know what Pale Moon is... so I'm just going to go ahead and blame that... because different is bad.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6820
Posted on: 07/13/14 04:05PM

The cause of the problem is our directory structure for images. We store images in subfolders named by letter pairs, eg aa, ab, az, etc.

Adblock blocks all images from subdirectories named "ad". Because of this, images in the ad subdirectory are falsely blocked by Adblock. You can try setting an exception for that specific directory in Adblock to remove it from the list of filtered ads, which should solve your problem without needing to disable Adblock.

Beyond that, I would also recommend installing NoScript. Ads can't install malicious software unless they can execute scripts, and NoScript blocks scripts by their origin domain. Using NoScript, you should still be completely safe from malicious ads even with Adblock disabled.

Anti_Gendou said:
I don't know what Pale Moon is... so I'm just going to go ahead and blame that... because different is bad.

Pale Moon is an alternate build of Firefox designed with stability and efficiency in mind. It technically runs on an older version of Firefox's core, but the developers keep their software up to date with Mozilla's security patches.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2252
Posted on: 07/13/14 07:14PM

#666 said:
lozertuser said:
If you mean a single image won't load, then it's likely you are running adblock. The work-around is disable adblock.

Then we have a problem. I've had multiple scares with malicious ads on this site alone. That was the reason I installed adblock in the first place. I can't imagine TheDoujin's ads being any less intrusive.

Nothing personal, but I can't risk disabling adblock on these kinds of sites considering my past experiences.

Then contact adblock to help them understand that /ad/ef/adefef1234567890.jpg is not an ad folder necessarily and could be part of a hash folder structure.

lahdeedah - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 07/30/14 07:20PM

You can make a custom ad blocker for Firefox without using any extensions by making use of userChrome.css, if you're interested.

Start -> Run -> explorer
Change the path on the address bar at the top to: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
Open the profile, go to the "chrome" folder
Follow the instructions of
Change ad_blocking.css by removing the line: a[href*="/ad/"] img, *[src*="/ad/"],
And then you have your own custom ad blocker that allows images on TheDoujin.

I just remembered about this because I just changed userContent.css to take off those annoying close buttons on every tab because of the change to browser.tabs.closeButtons with Firefox 31.

#666 - Group: The Jetsons did 9/11 - Total Posts: 133
Posted on: 08/31/14 03:26AM

Gonna go ahead and bump this topic to ask if anyone here can tell me how to write an exception in ABP for those particular file paths. I was simply right clicking and allowing objects in said filepath before past the filter, but now I'm noticing that doing this causes part of the ad structure on ALL sites to not get blocked. Google was about as clear as mud for me. Prompt feedback would be greatly appreciated.

lahdeedah - Group: Unofficial Gardener's Guild - Total Posts: 511
Posted on: 08/31/14 04:12AM

You can make an exception for those image paths on TheDoujin in Adblock Plus by adding a custom filter.
Tools -> Adblock Plus -> Filter preferences -> Custom filters -> Add filter group -> Add filter and put in the code, each line separate if applicable.


Edit: There is a better option on the next page.

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