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Anonymous commented at 2015-10-09 04:57:20 » #1827563

does anyone know what the source of this is?

18 Points Flag
Anti_Gendou commented at 2015-10-09 05:24:15 » #1827575

Technically anyone could make anything using MMD.

Though given how terrible a lot of it can end up being, making it even this competent is probably difficult.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-09 05:49:17 » #1827579

Its from Flim13 on Pixiv.


10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-23 20:30:29 » #1854090

It's EXTREMELY difficult. I've been using MMD for 3+ years and I'm only starting to get the hang of making movements looking somewhat natural (and I still can't animate realistic walking without using premade motions). Sex acts in MMD are very hard because the motion and physics engine isn't designed to keep models in contact with each other. Dicks don't stay lined up with pussies, hands clip through breasts and asses. Anything but the shortest, most simple movements require tons of adjustments, often frame by frame. It can take a couple of hours just to produce two or three seconds of motion.

44 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-18 09:19:36 » #1901741

Gee, thanks for the encouragement anon.

5 Points Flag
QualityContent commented at 2023-02-03 02:30:15 » #2780918

Anyone know if the character has a name or is there just a small amount of art of her?

1 Points Flag
Yispeedster commented at 2023-06-16 11:10:19 » #2811083

Small sister loli pussy to use and enjoy, what a bonding activity ♡

3 Points Flag
Testuser5 commented at 2023-06-17 01:12:42 » #2811225

She is so skilled! Her naughty glances back are amazing as well

1 Points Flag