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Monkeyboy commented at 2015-08-18 12:19:01 » #1797662

So....are those hefty beauties full of yummy milk...or colourful ink? Ah, life's great mysteries.

17 Points Flag
TechnicolorCervine commented at 2015-08-27 18:07:16 » #1803240

Had to have a think about what Monkeyboy said. Milk. They would be full of milk, if conventional logic applies(And barring an official statement from Nintendo about Squidkid mammaries). They're a purely human feature, unlike say inkling "hair" which is kind of an amalgamation of human hair and squid tentacles?(At least from an evolutionary standpoint, not like, literal material properties). So they probably produce milk?

But then, what need do they have for milk if they roughly adhere to squid biology? I dunno. Maybe I'm thinking too much about squidkid breasts in the wrong way. But I mean, they have obvious sexual dimorphism in regards to their human characteristics and even some squid characteristics(Female humboldt-The species of squid most closely resembling the Inklings-squid are generally larger than male counterparts and this is relatively evident in the inklings, although by a small amount which might be due to their age). Of course, they show their own, standalone sexual dimorphism(See head tentacle length?)

Okay so revision of my earlier statement. Not milk or ink maybe??? They have no need for milk, so they wouldn't evolve to have mammary glands, and they have ink guns so would they even really still have ink-spraying glands? I'm not going to object to that, I mean think about Splatoon if they have to refill their guns by milking themselves, or can just dispose of the weapons and flail their breasts around, it's hilarious really. I made an account just because of my thoughts on squid kid breasts...

TL;DR - They probably don't have breasts at all. But in this case, Marie/Hotaru's breasts probably don't excrete anything because evolution and no need for mammaries or chest-mounted splattershots.

I have professional-level knowledge in 0 of the fields that the information I dished out pertain to(Marine biology or biology), but my sexual dimorphism fact about humboldt squids is 100% verifiable if you look it up. I also don't actually play Splatoon. I'll be here all week.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-27 19:02:56 » #1803284

Squid ink is used as a sauce in some dishes, so even if it was ink, maybe it'd taste pretty good?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-31 05:37:34 » #1805506

joseph: BLACK SPAGGETHI??????

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-27 03:02:16 » #1855690

jesus christ @TechnicolorCervine lay off the redbull

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-21 02:07:38 » #1903152

Squiddy titties. Nice.

0 Points Flag