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Anonymous commented at 2015-07-01 10:16:41 » #1768800

Feminazis want the last one.

27 Points Flag
von_karma commented at 2015-07-01 12:31:34 » #1768870

Left still more far left!

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-17 08:26:45 » #1778307

In Japan, this is breast expansion.
In western countries, this is breast shrinking.

34 Points Flag
HoleLover1994 commented at 2015-07-17 08:30:54 » #1778309

Honestly, the last three are more attractive in my opinion

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-23 12:59:49 » #1835755

wait, i'm confused. when did feminism become a hatred of feminine traits? that's a weird-ass contradiction.

24 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-10-26 01:11:31 » #1837230

The radical third wave happened, in which now they want to tell all little boys that because of their gender, they will almost certainly rape women unless they are "taught not to rape", a woman can, even weeks after a sexual act decide that she can simply withdraw consent and make it rape, publicly shame women for going into normally female dominated fields anyway, like nursing simply because it's so closely affiliated with being "a woman's job" and, naturally, if a fictional character has large breasts, it's an attack against all women for both being unrealistic (that is, to have breasts so large the character should also be fat) and the sexual objectification of living, breathing people who have no actual connection at all to fictional characters.

Never mind that people who actually really DO see people as actual objects have a serious mental disorder and they're trivializing that suffering completely.

And, really, I have seen a lot of those who have latched onto feminism complain endlessly about Tifa's breasts anyway, so it wouldn't surprise me if, somewhere, there's a petition to make her chest smaller, even though they have no real clue as to what size they're going to use, and her breasts have been of modest size in every official piece of media outside of the FMVs of the original game where they really did just grow larger every time.

We're living in strange fucking times, indeed.

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-26 01:59:58 » #1837246

Gotta love it when folks hold such passionate opinions based on a total misunderstanding of someone else's beliefs. You'd think if someone was so invested in those beliefs, they'd bother getting an accurate picture of them.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-07 11:17:44 » #1895931

For the Remake SJWs would want Tifa to look like the 2nd from the right because if she looked like the one on the far right they'd call people pedos. We'll probably wind up with her looking like the one in the middle, or if we're lucky, 2nd from the left.

9 Points Flag
SakuraJD commented at 2016-02-07 11:42:43 » #1895940

i wonder how big theyre gonna be in the remake...

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-13 08:04:44 » #1899203

I personally prefer the second from the left.
But I am a simple man: I wouldn't refuse any version of this gal.

6 Points Flag