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ShiftKey commented at 2014-11-23 09:55:24 » #1640145

I don't know anything about money, but this list just seems....odd. Anyone know any knowledge about money in this site.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-25 01:02:42 » #1641272

The only thing I can say in regards to money is that that's not much money at all. I remember reading an article about seiyuus (voice actors/actresses) is that it's very competitive and they don't make a lot for the work they do. They get paid not by line or amount of involvement, but by episode apparently and even if you play a small role, you still get paid the same amount as someone playing a main protagonist with a lot of lines. Can't forget the hiring agencies that you end up working for get a cut out of it too. What the Executive Producer makes is considered "decent." If you want to convert his annual income into per hourly wage, he's making roughly about $32.30 an hour give or take. That's before taxes by the way. So basically what Aoi is making is literally similar to minimum wage from where I'm at. Only one that is rich is obviously the A-List Voice Actress. You're considered making some good money once you hit the $100k mark. $80k isn't bad either. It all depends in what part of the states you live at. I love the area where I live, but it's very expensive to live here unfortunately. But also have to remember that the yen worth and dollar's worth are different as well and are two totally different economies. In order to make that kind of money as a voice actress though, you have to be super busy and star in TV shows, sing songs and many other things. Basically, work will become your life. How they depict idols in animes is not too far from the truth in a real life perspective.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-25 09:07:54 » #1641416

why is it that a college student have more money than an animator?

7 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2014-11-25 11:44:20 » #1641465

Animators often work at home or in a sweat-shop-like environment and are only required to have a middle-school-level education though many are high-school graduates. College students are worth more for their continuing education but their time is split between work and study. Part-timers work at the studio but often lack the higher education. Anything with "Assistant" in the title is an entry-level position for aspiring professionals. All of the other positions are considered to be for "skilled workers".

8 Points Flag
PrimoCat commented at 2015-01-12 05:53:02 » #1668828

-Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his money?
-IT'S OVER 9000!

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