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xDvN commented at 2015-09-19 08:47:55 » #1816454

While the picture was loading up I looked at the tags and noticed Batman. I instantly saved this to my favorites.

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LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-18 19:11:34 » #2630757

Dumb story time.

Years ago I shared this pic one of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia forum's chat and a rather immature user called it "lame art". I gave a sarcastic response of "how about you draw something better" he threw a fit and told me to "fuck off" with my "attitude" and went on a rant about how he didn't like the match ups cause they "ruin the epicness" or some other nonesense. Dude didn't even know who Gipsy Danger was and called it some lame robot.

I was actually taken aback cause I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic and tried explaining who Gipsy was before he went on his rant because I was not a confrontational person back then. The other users said I was being rude. I honestly wish I was more confrontational back then because I should have said, no your friend is rude. He called a piece of epic art lame...because he doesn't like the match up.

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