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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-15 10:16:31 » #1618026

I imagine women get surprised when they realize a kick to the crotch hurts them as much as it does a man.

57 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2014-10-15 10:30:13 » #1618029

You realize the one in the maid uniform is a dude, right? Also, I call bs on that statement of yours.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-15 11:10:51 » #1618041

^ I'm not disputing the fact that that's a guy, but it actually DOES hurt women, kicking them there.

Women have a lot of nerve endings down there, and kicking that area is like kicking bone with a thin covering of nerve-filled flesh.

Is it as painful as kicking a man there? Nah, probably not. Does it still hurt? Yeah, for most girls.

I don't think it's particularly surprising, either. Where there's a blow to a nerve, there's pain. Simple as that.

45 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2014-10-15 11:25:32 » #1618045

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. It would be pretty damn painful for them, but still not nearly as much as it would for a man.

In your first comment you said, and I quote, "hurts them as much as it does a man" though.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-15 21:41:53 » #1618276

Cruisinginthe80s has never heard of a cunt punt

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-15 21:54:36 » #1618287

You're free to call bs on it all you like, but it originally came from a woman. It's hard to judge something as subjective as pain over gender barriers, but the clitoris is exceptionally sensitive, so blunt force trauma isn't exactly gonna leave them unscathed.

P.S. - Anon2 is not the same person as Anon1.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-16 01:06:03 » #1618375

^ I'm the second anon, not the first. We're two different people. I thought that was clear from the contradicting statements, guess not.

9 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2014-10-16 05:08:15 » #1618446

Anon1 and anon2 aren't the same person? Then why did anon2 say "I'm not disputing the fact that that's a guy" in response to my first comment?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-16 13:56:17 » #1618623

This is surprisingly hot :3

11 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe80s commented at 2014-10-17 00:00:33 » #1618952

Thanks for getting us back on topic, anon6.

Some of the arguements on this site are flat-out assinine (particularly those which have nothing to do with the image in question in the first place e.e).

But yes, hot indeed. And a real bitch to translate. For some reason when I find a pic like this I can't seem to rest until I am able to determine everything that is being said. At that point, I figure I might as well upload it here with a translation before I forget all my hard work xD

5 Points Flag