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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-25 07:59:07 » #1607747

Wow! I never expected to see OnePiece hentai made by Kagami ever again; so this, along with other pics, are quite a delightful sight to have seen today.

I still hope that he'll make another CgSet for OnePiece and Bleach one day, even if it's unlikely.

18 Points Flag
Anon_Perv commented at 2014-09-25 13:16:01 » #1607827

I wonder if pants like those exist. O_o

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-12 02:12:32 » #1616186

Maybe not officially but all you'd need to do in order to make them is to cut out the side pockets on some running pants and work your way back a bit. After that just make the edges where you cut look nice and vola sexy pants are made.

3 Points Flag
procella commented at 2014-12-15 17:30:20 » #1652944

Perversion is just another form of Imagination. :)

3 Points Flag