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spidfan commented at 2014-08-03 06:14:39 » #1579724

Scene summary for "Fūma Ginrei " (Google version: Fuuma Silver zero :S. I'll be using Fuuma for the summary):

(It's hard to make sense of the opening's translation, but it goes along these lines:)
Fuuma is ambushed in the red lights district by a strange man (the player). While normally she can protect herself from attackers, this time she finds her arms paralyzed by an ability similar to her own. Fuuma's eye, hidden behind an eye patch, also possesses the ability to paralyze opponents. As this sudden development catches her off-guard, a frog creature appears in front of her and swallows the girl. Only now does she realize that the man was acting as a decoy, while the creature was meant to restrain her. In her current position, even if Fuuma could use her eye-power to paralyze the frog, she would still be stuck inside it. She struggles to get out, but lacks the power to free her body. Meanwhile, the fighting drew attention of a small crowd, that is laughing at a silly sight of a girl's lower body sticking out of the frog's mouth.
"It's game over for you.",-the man declares,-"You shall join me as my puppet unless you want to put on a show for these fine people"
"My pride would never allow me to work for such a slimy bastard!",-the girl could just barely be heard speaking from inside the creature's stomach.
"Slimy it is, then! You shall learn your place the hard way."

As if waiting for these words, a tentacle inside the frog forcibly pries Fuuma's lips open, enters her mouth, moves on to her throat and proceeds to force it's way even deeper until finally reaching her stomach. At the same time, the frog rips off the clothes on the girl's lower body and starts to pinch and massage her.
With her mouth blocked off by a tentacle, Fuuma is starting to run out of air, as she's also forced to endure the stench inside the creature's stomach and the painful throatfuck. Her body reflexively tries to vomit and spit out the intruder, but the saliva and gastric juices only get forced back by the invading tentacle. With tears in her eyes, the girl desperately tries to bite off the tentacle, but it's too thick and elastic to close her jaw. The frog spanks her ass in punishment for this attempt, much to the enjoyment of the onlookers.
Even low on air and in agony from getting her irritated insides scraped by a tentacle, the girl is still unable to lose consciousness. But her ordeal is far from over. Soon Fuuma feels a change in the tentacle in her mouth: the creature is beginning to lay eggs inside her stomach!

As dozens of eggs expand her belly, the feeling of over-eating causes her body to try and vomit out the intruders again, but to no avail. Seeing Fuuma's lower body convulse and shake in the frog's mouth, the man tells the onlookers that "This creature lays eggs in two places: in the stomach and in the womb.". Almost immediately another huge tentacle grows from the frog's groin and stops just before the girl's vagina. Fuuma can just barely hear the man's words, but their meaning doesn't register in her mind. Meanwhile, the last egg is finally deposited into Fuuma's stomach and she goes limp, unaware that there's still more in store for her.

The tentacle in her mouth changes yet again, this time pumping creature's semen directly into the girl's stomach. As Fuuma is forced to drink it, her pussy rapidly starts to produce lubrication. At this invitation, the huge tentacle finally penetrates her nethers. Each shove sends the girl's body bouncing and causes the eggs and the semen in her bloated belly to mix, almost like a bartender mixing up a cocktail. By now, Fuuma is only remotely aware of what she is going through, her mind no longer capable of thinking.

The flow of semen still doesn't stop. With her stomach filled over capacity and her mouth blocked off by the tentacle, the excess semen has to find an alternative route of escaping. It overflows into her intestines until finally forcing her anus open and spraying out like water from a broken faucet.
"The sperm she's swallowing now is meant to speed up the hatching process and to facilitate the birthing for the female. It also serves as a muscle relaxant with an added aphrodisiac.",- the man explain to the crowd.
In the meantime the huge tentacle also deposits it's share of eggs and semen into the girl's womb, bloating her even further. With this, Fuuma's eyes roll back in her head and she finally falls unconscious, released from the torment. The only thought to console her was that the crowd couldn't see her facial expression at this moment.
As the onlookers laugh at and ridicule this human fountain squirting out semen in the middle of the street, the man speaks to himself softly: "We should head back to base now where I can continue her training"...

*End of scene*

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