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Anonymous commented at 2014-08-13 00:04:36 » #1585301

@ Anon#5 - Eh, I'd say the more accurate definition of Issei is an obnoxiously over-the-top perverted moron who occasionally has his badass moments.

I've mentioned it on another pic, but Issei tries so hard to balance "perverted clown" and "badass action-hero", but he falls so short. To be fair, it's an admittedly hard tightrope to walk (one of the few series I've ever seen pull it off consistently is Gintama, and Issei is no Gintoki), but he still fails more often than not.

The problem is the author keeps killing all of Issei's serious moments by injecting in the perverted humor when it's not needed:

- Ranting about everyone's breasts while beating his rival, Vali in their first battle? Really? You're going to do that during the 2nd season finale battle!?

- Issei being empowered by the Goddess of Breasts to defeat Loki? Really? You're going to defeat the arc villain, who is a bonafide god, like that!?

- Dress Break. Just Dress Break. Only 10 days to train to save his crush from becoming the glorified brood mare/sex slave of a powerful and near-immortal asshole (whose weakest servant kicked your ass), and he spends his evenings training to invent a move that strips girls (and he debuts it on two girls who look like they're still in primary school).

- Bilingual. He invents a mind-reading move that bypasses all known magical defenses against mind-reading... and it only works on women's breasts. *facepalm* Nevermind that most of his more powerful enemies/rivals are male (Vali, Sairong, Diodora, Cao Cao, Shalba, Risviem, Loki, Hades, etc.), so it's completely worthless against them.

- He's almost defeated by a girl giving him a striptease, and he only wins, because she started stripping her clothes in an order that didn't match his preferences, so he got angry and attacked.

- He drains his girlfriend's boobs (making them temporarily small in the process) to power-up...

I really, really want to like Issei, I honestly do (he can be badass and serious, and he is surprisingly funny when he's playing the boke/straightman)... but he makes it so damn hard!

4 Points Flag
cutie_yoko commented at 2014-10-02 09:18:51 » #1611403

Is this a still from season 3?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-10 14:51:03 » #1650057

How tf is Rias comfortable?

1 Points Flag
metalsonic27 commented at 2015-08-21 05:34:03 » #1799416

wow that guy gets all the girls

0 Points Flag