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blues commented at 2014-08-01 18:05:21 » #1578789

I thought Other M was the reboot (if only because they retconned her height, tweaked her personality, and essentially messed with the timeline continuity)

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Anonymous commented at 2016-02-13 14:15:54 » #1899348

Other M was just a poor man's version of Metroid Fusion where the creator was going through a bad bad divorce.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-02-26 07:18:25 » #2102458

Goddamn man, give us a sequel to fusion where Samus is on the run from the Federation and has to expose their sketchy bullshit. Give 2-3 planets to explore like in prime 3, make one of them have a part where you have to go undercover in some shady place in Fusion zero suit to deliver damning information to a source but shit hits the fan and you have to escape back to your ship.

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