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Anonymous commented at 2014-03-20 10:01:45 » #1506048

After all the hype, THIS is what Capcom reveals as their "big character debut"? A Goddamn Cammy clone? Honestly, how fucking lazy can you get? And what's more insulting is, they actually made a gag in the reveal trailer about NOT including Rainbow Mika, who fans have actually been clamouring for. Ono really has to go.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-20 11:04:52 » #1506073

Yeah, lets blame Ono, one of the few guys that still gives a shit, for you getting overhyped and getting your expectations too high.

Most people already knew it would be one of the Dolls and Capcom is kind of strapped for money at the moment.

The fact that they're re-using assets from xTekken wasn't enough of a sign for people? Really?

Companies like SNK charge the same amount for just three characters. Yet when Capcom is adding 5 characters along with stages as well as balances and a new game mode, somehow people are not okay with this?

The internet is full of people who are just too angry over this sort of stuff.

7 Points Flag
Screwattack commented at 2014-03-20 12:45:27 » #1506101

Umm no. Nobody had any idea who the mysterious 5th character was going to be. Then Crapcom needs to start to listening to its customers if they want to get out of the hole instead of pandering to idiots such as yourself.

Not even close to the same thing. Crapcom keeps remaking the same game over and over again therefore making the older version obsolete and outdated for fighting game tournaments to name an example. Personally I don't care about tournaments.

Those three DLC fighters for KOF XIII are nothing more than just alternate versions of already existing characters. They are also optional.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-20 13:43:16 » #1506123

>Nobody had any idea who the mysterious 5th character was going to be
They dropped clues left and fucking right. I can't even count how many comments online guessed it would be Decapre or any of the dolls. They even said that the character played a big roll in the comics and that it'd be a female and she hadn't been playable in any game prior.
Decapre fits all those bills.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-21 12:54:14 » #1506692

Still, if Capcom is so strapped for cash I hardly see how expecting us to pay for yet another "version-up" of a six-year-old game, particularly one which recycles assets from SFxT, is going to help towards turning their situation around. I know I'm getting sick of it. And consider this, the fact that Capcom has employed blatantly questionable sales tactics in the recent past (making gamers pay for locked on-disc content as DLC for example) surely can't have helped their current circumstances.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-24 21:30:33 » #1591492


Nobody actually wants R.Mika aside from a few people. She's one of the most unpopular characters.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-25 01:42:20 » #1591596

>> #1591492

R.Mika's unpopular!? I call BULLSHIT on that claim.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-22 15:00:27 » #1621914

I think 1591492 is an executive of Ca$hcom because how else could you explain such a statement.

1 Points Flag