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Anonymous commented at 2014-02-13 16:31:54 » #1487193

Ah yes, another reminder to rewatch 2.0...and try to bleach 3.0 from my mind.

14 Points Flag
Bubcus93 commented at 2014-02-15 19:24:24 » #1488462

May I ask a question?,If you wanted a cute romance story, why are you watching eva?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-16 22:49:16 » #1489177

Anon 1 here. Because both 1.11 and 2.22 were coherent with visible character development and intelligent direction. 3.0 essentially abandons everything previous in the series in order to be dark and edgy, and it jumps the shark so badly it stops being dramatic and starts being absurd.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-21 01:28:11 » #1491590

I agree with Anon1. I could have handled it if Rei and other characters eventually died later on in 3.0 as long as the story had been good. I was excited to see what dark rolls the Mark.06 would play, how they might expand Kaji's character, as well as watch Mari find her place in the Eva universe. But instead, due to rather obvious and extensive rewriting, we got the 3.0 we know now.

6 Points Flag