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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-29 18:20:44 » #600714

Just a theoretical question but... if you do it with a hermaphrodite, such as Kanzeon... doesn't that technically make you bisexual? o.o

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-08 21:30:11 » #725785

.....Anon 1, that is a very good question. In truth I am at a loss for words, I honestly hadn't thought of that. I would make since thou. I mean Kanzeon is both male and female. So if you were to do.....Her...for the lack of a better term, then you would be doing both sexes. So yes theoretically, you would be bisexual. Unless of course Kanzeon decides to do some godly mumbo jumbo and change sexes on us again. But that's a different ball game all together.

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