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Anonymous commented at 2013-11-29 16:08:07 » #1445030

how the sht is there not more of her by now? and what little there is up is mostly from the show itself.. wtf. internet, i am dissapoint.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-24 17:15:58 » #1524292

That's just how it is. With new series like this one they tend to just upload any ecchi GIFs they can find. I guess they only do explicit artwork of the important series, huh?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-08 20:48:12 » #1582950

There's some okay stuff on pixiv, but the dumbasses who upload stuff here are too busy wasting their time on stupid crap that is either terrible quality, shouldn't belong her (MLP, tumblr posts), or lame meme crap.

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