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Anonymous commented at 2013-11-24 20:33:42 » #1442483

Engrish much?

keystroke keystroke

14 Points Flag
Dirty_Harry commented at 2013-11-25 07:24:53 » #1442773

Man, someone (if not the artist himself) went throught the trouble of translating this for us. He literally did the best he could. And while it may not be perfect, it sure as hell is better than moonspeak. Do you even realize the damage comments like your's do? You make people feel self-concious and we get less translations. Stand! Bow! Sit down! Sometimes you should hold yourself back, especially if you're a leecher. You disgust me.

110 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-11-28 22:08:35 » #1444663

This isn't even remotely close to engrish. The only mistake, grammatical or spelling, is 'poor' instead of 'pour', the kind of mistake native english speakers make all the time. Here's another handy tip; if you mention keystrokes to get past keystrokes error, your message is shit and you are shit, so you probably shouldn't be trying to berate anyone. You little shit.

40 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-18 19:27:18 » #1455615

@Anon2 Yeah, it is near perfect English, though aside from the incorrect homonym use, there's also a slight grammatical error in the first sentence "Everybody better be watching, 'cause this sex!" There is no verb in the second half of the sentence. The conjunction marks the begin of a new sentence that has merely been spliced, and while the second sentence can go without subject, it cannot go without verb. This case may or may not be with excuse though- based on the colloquialisms (using 'cause rather than because, using phrases like "A man, like me") it could be assumed that the verb is implied, as usually is in such contests of that vernacular, however, it's still considered to be in err to the dialect referred to as "proper English."

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-18 19:30:56 » #1455617


I swear the keystrokes not only dislike SPaG hags, but they've also prevented my first correction post from appearing correctly.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-06 01:20:08 » #1482922

Whoever it was did a perfect job on the squelch, thump etc, so I'm not complaining.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-11 08:06:29 » #1533013


16 Points Flag