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Anonymous commented at 2013-10-06 00:18:20 » #1411601

So cute yet so sad....

Capcom really pisses me of; killing so many epic franchises, and turning the remaining ones in cash cows.....

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-06 00:22:36 » #1411604

Is the fat old man supposed to be Kenzo(CEO) or Haruhiro(President).

Either way, I hope they all chew on their desks angrily once they see Inafune and Comcept earning millions.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-06 08:36:41 » #1411772

darkstalkers and breath of fire....
well, considering that the new breath of fire 6 looks like it will be "in name only", nina's place there is still fitting

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-11 09:59:21 » #1414607

Ugh, look at this dumb fanboy shit.

You guys do realize that Inafune is the REASON we don't see any "Japanese-style" games from Capcom anymore, right? During his final years at Capcom he pushed this mantra on the company that the Japanese games market is dead and that the only thing they should be making is gritty brown western shooters like the new Bionic Commando and RE5. He's the reason we didn't see a new DS, or a new BOF, or anything of that nature. In fact when he cancelled MML3 he basically blamed the fans for not making it for him.

I wish people would take time to learn their facts before making annoying fanboy bullshit like this comic.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-11 16:59:24 » #1414772

Learn their facts!? What a fucking idiot this anon before me is! He didn't cancel it you dumbass! He said in previous interviews, postings and even from his Kickstarter for this new Project that will be a Spiritual Successor and live on it's Legacy for old and new people alike. If your trolling then whatevs, if not don't you fucking dare disrespect Keiji Inafune by putting shit into his mouth that he did not say!!! Capcom was the one who cancelled MML3 making his feel he failed when he requested he pushed on and started a new life with his now company Comcept.

I really hate when people don't know what the hell their talking about saying negative crap about someone without proof. I look shit up and make sure it's correct as it can be but if I'm wrong then that's fine I'm not perfect but try to get my facts straight as can be. Now someone like you who says they know the facts but are maybe just saying whats best to them pisses me off. Long damn rant for me but what you typed is something I had to reply to cause this is a big piece of my childhood as a Megaman Fan and to say something that's not true on it is something I don't like.

Blame CRAPCOM and with only around 152 Million in their Bank and what they are doing to themselves is going wipe them off the face of the Earth. They screwed fans over time after time not living by the motto they trashed about listening to their fans.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-25 22:09:12 » #1423588

capcom claims to be working on some great next gen fighting game (many think it's street fighter 5).
whatever it is doesn't matter (unless it's capcom vs snk 3, no re-use sprites shit), capcom is fucked!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-27 13:18:17 » #1424590

Sooo many feels right now

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-11 02:53:58 » #1485860

Love u forever rockman! :D Mighty could never replace you...

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-05-28 08:58:31 » #1542006

why is nina 1 tagged? theres only nina 2

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-29 02:40:28 » #1977416

This is the year 2016...
They dun fuck'd it up

9 Points Flag