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fanfair commented at 2014-07-27 04:28:53 » #1575796

Perfectly knotted, and filled with cum... how I envy the animated.

17 Points Flag
Justatadmad commented at 2022-04-28 14:30:29 » #2707673

I wonder if his little doggy sperm will make it into her eggs~

1 Points Flag
Mderms commented at 2022-04-29 01:42:39 » #2707821

No, because biologicaly humans and dogs have different numbers of chromosomes so the sperm has no way to find a match, at most the sperm would die in the uterus failing to find a match to anything. Humans have 26 pairs of chromosomes, and dogs have 39. It'd be like taking the instructions for making an airplane and instructions for making a curling iron and mixing them together. If you use those mixed instructions it would be very unlikely you’d make a flying machine that curls your hair. Instead you’d most likely get a heap of metal that can’t do anything.

2 Points Flag
Hanover_Himmler commented at 2022-04-29 02:43:23 » #2707825

Obviously dog sperm can't fertilize a female human egg, bit it seems it can live up to eleven days in a human female's womb.

2 Points Flag