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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 02:18:15 » #1350817

Well, Samus certainly has an interesting cut for her panty there.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 04:06:02 » #1350860

I miss Zelda in here

9 Points Flag
KINGROCKET commented at 2013-10-20 16:16:50 » #1420183

People always post about the "trio Nintendo girls" of Peach, Zelda and Samus....but why are there so few people post about Palutena?! She is a goddess of Troll, for crying out loud...well technically every other characters is also a troll but you know what I meant.

6 Points Flag
KINGROCKET commented at 2013-10-20 16:18:02 » #1420185

...in the Kid Icarus games, I meant.

1 Points Flag
OnyxSwift commented at 2013-11-06 15:28:07 » #1431256

Kingrocket, Palutena hadn't been in a game since the NES days before Kid Icarus Uprising. That's why there's so little fan work of her; Out of sight, out of mind.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-20 03:08:12 » #1522130

There's even more Nintendo girls that aren't heard or seen of as often like Hikari, Pauline, Ayumi Tachibana, Captain Syrup, Airan Jo, Achi. Characters that could have potential, and I'm not even counting the series they belong to or male characters. Nintendo disappoints me in that matter.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-07 20:30:56 » #1718278

All that's missing is Kirby for Samus. I don't see much art of Kirby getting girls and both Kirby and Samus coexist...I think from what I saw in a Kirby game. Also, I just want to see it for some odd reason

2 Points Flag