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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-02 14:42:05 » #1332611


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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-03 11:50:56 » #1333227

Well, apparently, he is right in front of us with his big red eye.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-08 01:16:50 » #1336186

Yeah. . .didn't they say in the legend that the Juubi made everything just so it could destroy it? It was definitely something like that. . .

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-10 22:49:57 » #1338052

I wonder what the hell the humans did to make Juubi, their God, this angry.
...Oh, wait, making war. My bad.
Sound like Rikudou Sennin saving human from the Juubi was just a waste of time, or maybe just self-righteousness, in fact, he only encouraged them to cause more war and suffering, and give peoples more tools for that, aka Jutsu and Chakra.
Kinda remind me of some character.
I love his eye.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-11 01:35:52 » #1338132

Yes. . .that's exactly what the Rikudou Sennin preached. He spent the better part of his life wandering around, teaching people how "awesome" war was. I completely forgot, you know, because I was enjoying war so much that I spaced out.
Remember how he asked his sons the best way to start a war? One said torturing foreigners and the other said shitting on religion, cute little scamps weren't they?
Remember how he split the peaceful Juubi into nine hellish and not totally innocent and adorable Satan spawns and stuck them in a cage while blaring death metal to make them violent and crazy? Dude was so hardcore. . .

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-15 11:49:34 » #1341335

That's what he basically done, not my fault.
Self-righteousness yes, you don't simply wander arround the world, save people from war, and then tell how to do thing, aka killing thing, with chakra
About the Bijuu, people from after are more in fault, it's amaze me how it was never developed, but Kishimoto abandoned the manga at that point.

0 Points Flag
TheSaturdayElite commented at 2013-06-20 10:14:46 » #1344724

Honestly, I'm really disappointed with how weak the Juubi is. Ever since the reveal of its existence, it had been almighty impending doom, but when it actually showed up... Really, why call it a god if it "can be defeated with teamwork!" The Juubi should be fucking some shit up!

And then Madara! Come on! This guy has gotten the most hype during the entire series. No one is more infamous or abysmal as this guy. However, he somehow manages to be as ineffective as any other Naruto villain. The five Kage should be dead. With everything this guy is capable of, he would be able to kill them, and he would make sure they are dead before transitioning to a new battlefield.

The villains could have been great. In fact, they are. It's just too bad that they need to be downsized in effectiveness to insure that the heroes look good.

Really, I'm hoping that everything that this entire war is just an illusion created by The Eye of the Moon as big as fuck you that would be.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-01 15:32:12 » #1371507


First off, it wasn't even completed. It got a tail's worth of chakra from the Eight Tails and a smidgen of the Nine Tail's chakra. That means it's much weaker than it should be.
Second off, it was just reawakened and hadn't reached it's maximum potential power levels.
Third, it was literally being fought by almost every fucking ninja in the world minus "most" of the dead ones, Obito, Madara, the evil ones and the Kage who are on their way.
Fourth, Naruto and Kurama basically supercharged all of the ninja who did attend the fight on his side making hard as all hell to kill, way faster and way more powerful.
Fifth, it's really stupid and lazy with how it fights.
Sixth, even with all of that working against it's favor, it was STILL WINNING. Not only was it winning but it has permanently killed more "good" main characters than anyone else in all of Naruto. There wasn't a single thing that could put it down, it used a fucking apocalypse technique, it started spawning a demon army, it blew random shit up to kingdom come from miles away, it IS impending doom.

1 Points Flag