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Anonymous commented at 2013-05-27 01:20:02 » #1328402

boo hoo. My life's SO unfair. I'm going to murder thousands of people, cause the genocide of dozens of clans and Murder my former sensei and his wife leaving their child alone to suffer. then just for laughs, I'll raise a demonic monster who's sole purpose is to cleanse the earth of life to put a genjutsu on the moon so Rin and I can live happly ever after as the only two humans left in a barren and dead world locked in an endless nightmare

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-07 08:19:48 » #1335760

^Agreed. I have zero sympathy for Obito. It's a shame because I absolutely loved him in the gaiden and he died a hero... but he changed for pretty much no reason. Even worst that Rin didn't even like him like that. Truly pathetic.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-01 20:00:25 » #1371633

crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-25 01:44:57 » #1386252

Commenters 1 & 2, You've got things a bit backwards. Actually Obito is probably more relatable and sympathetic than Naruto. Once opon a time, they were exactly the same. But Naruto walks the path of good, He is not corrupt.. While Obito fell to darkness. He watched Rin get cut down by Kakashi right in front of his eyes. He wants to create a perfect world for shinobi. Where Rin can be happy with Kakashi forever. As selfish as he is... Obito is selfless. He doesn't want any of it for himself... He just wants Rin to be alive and happy... And that is true love. You would do absolutely anything just to see someone else... smile...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-25 02:07:25 » #1386262

Where the hell did you get that from?! Obito despises Kakashi, and SELFLESS?!?! How the HELL is he selfless? His actions resulted in the death of Naruto's parents, was THAT selfless? How about the fact that he wants to murder Naruto and Bee so he can destroy the free will of the world putting it under the control of the Uchiha clan. I guess it's selfish of Naruto wanting to live free of a nightmarish genjutsu AND not die in a horribly painful way as Kurama is ripped out of his stomach. Obito is a selfish psychopath hell bent on enslaving humanity all because he didn't have the COMMON SENSE to investigate the reason WHY Kakashi killed Rin and NOT go crazy emo.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-02 00:50:55 » #1409211

Why do so many people think that the whole reason Obito did everything he did is because he wants Rin back?
What he wants is to rid the world of war, to change it into a world without hate, to basically create paradise. Unfortunately, his "path to peace" involves brainwashing the whole world, because he thinks that's the only way to end war.
He simply has a different path to peace from Naruto's "bonds" and Pein's "understanding through pain".

But whatever, I guess people just like bashing characters over their own misconceptions.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-25 00:29:38 » #1476402

peace huh? Obito's idea of peace is the peace of the grave. Soulless meatpuppets with no free will locked in an endless nightmare. Being dead would be better then Obito's peace. Fuck Obito

0 Points Flag