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Anonymous commented at 2013-04-30 07:23:49 » #1311933

If they make a 'Geneology' (that was the previous one with kids right?) to this game, I'd bet my 3DS that Cynthia is Lucina's sister.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-30 07:57:55 » #1311946


Theres an official light novel adaptation of FE6+FE7. It was never translated so naturally few people know about it.

And that doesn't prove anything. If you read the thread, people admit theres not enough known about the Support system to conclude anything. Theres no actual proof given that Olivia has priority.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-10 12:39:36 » #1318275

@1311946: I wouldn't use the FE7 novel as proof of Eliwood X Ninian being canonized. Believe me when I say that just because an adaptation has Nintendo's seal on it, it doesn't necessarily make things in the source material canon. The FE4 mangas do deviate from the canon in some way after all. Eliwood X Ninian is only in the novel because it's one of the pairs the author liked the most. Not because she's the most hinted at among Eliwood's pairs in the game. I'll also add that two of the pairs present in the novel are not exactly hinted at. Far from it actually. Gotta go with the source material when it comes to canonicity. Not adaptations.

And though people don't know much about the support system in FE13, I think the fact that people have observed that Chrom ends up marrying Olivia when her support points with him are equal to that of his other potential wives makes the notion of Olivia having the highest priority among Chrom's wives seem logical.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-15 22:35:03 » #1321879


By your logic, only the MC and the random Maiden NPC are canonical. Every other female character can die in the source material, therefore those two are the only canonical pairing. It wouldn't matter if there was an entire storyline, DLC and hundreds of scenes with ChromXOlivia; that would only "because it's one of the pairs the author liked the most".

Correlation != Causation.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-25 16:12:52 » #1327533

@1321879: Troll harder.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-14 13:19:26 » #1340719

@1321879: If you're implying that the Elibe Disturbance novel is around the same canonicity level as the DLC in FE13, then sorry, but the two aren't even remotely comparable. For starters, the Elibe Disturbance novel actually does stray from canon, especially in the case of pairings. Plus that's not even getting into the fact that it's published by Square Enix. A company that has very little, if not nothing, to with Fire Emblem, mind you.

I mean, if the Elibe Disturbance novel was canon, then I suppose that Volvagia was actually a pet that was once owned by the Hero of Time. And that the Hero in the Oracle games had an ancestor that lived in Labrynna. My point is that adaptations (something which the FE13 DLC isn't) don't make things canon.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-29 18:07:34 » #1625757

I know your allowed to pair however you like. but my thanks to the artists for drawing my canon pairing :D

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-16 13:23:40 » #1635951

Meh, I don't think Chrom/Sumia is even good. Especially when compared to other heavily implied Lord pairs such as Hector/Lyn. Or even canon pairs that don't feature any Lords whatsoever such as Lewyn/Fury. For starters, 3/4 of their supports involve pies in some way. Which is disappointing, considering that most canon and/or heavily implied pairs such as the two I mention didn't involve any pies whatsoever. Heck, even though Caeda's mentioned to be a good cook, food has zero basis in any of the conversations involving her pairing with Marth, which is a pair Chrom/Sumia is always compared to. Literally the only conversations Chrom has with Sumia that don't involve pies in any way are the C support and some interactions outside supports such as the "Lovebirds" cutscene (very unfitting name, btw) and Ch 11 confession. And that's not even talking about Cynthia's situation in her own joining chapter, which leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth whenever I do run Chrom/Sumia in any FE Awakening PT.

Not to mention, it's even hated by some Japanese FE players. If you ask me, if you manage to tick off some of the fans in even your own home country with a pair that you're implying to happen in one of your games, then something's wrong with that pair.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-16 13:37:03 » #1635966

At least Sumia!Lucina gets you a really solid and potentially tanky unit.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-16 14:26:36 » #1636002

@1635966: I don't know if I would say "tanky", per se. But I can admit that, alongside Sully!Lucina, Sumia!Lucina is the best non-Robin Lucina available.

But still. I wish I.S. did a better job with Chrom/Sumia as a relationship.

2 Points Flag