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Ramifrix commented at 2013-02-20 16:11:07 » #1269460

Jesus Christ, this art is awesome.
Artist, if you please?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-07 16:50:16 » #1278885

Funny, but I don't really understand the joke here.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-24 20:57:35 » #1289327

@ anon the blonde girl is the girlfriend ron has for some time. hermoine is jealous of her and here they fight because of that xD

3 Points Flag
jnb commented at 2013-03-27 08:14:07 » #1291049

Lavander Brown is supposed to look like THAT? I thought she was the chubby black girl. Wow, I read a different book than most people.

7 Points Flag
lordanubis commented at 2015-09-10 11:19:39 » #1811160

Yeah she was originally black, but they made her white when she had the whole subplot about being obsessed with Ron. Typical.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-14 11:39:51 » #1899804

JKR was very involved with the film making process, so while the Lavender role was filled in by a black girl for the first few years, when Miss Brown gained a much more prominent role the character was played by a white actress.

It's kind of like the whole Hermione being black thing. People are constantly going on whether she's black or white. But while JKR never specifies undeniable about the issue in any of the books, JKR DID in fact hand draw the characters when she was first pitching Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to publishers so she could better show them how she herself imagined them in her own mind. Hermione was drawn as white. (And looking pretty firkin close to how Emma Watson looked in the movies, imo.)

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-16 16:16:41 » #1900903

There was absolutely no info on Lavender in the books before the HBP, where she is light skinned, if only because of that scene where was impossible to tell which hands were which. For the sake of clarity, note that Dean or Kingsley skin colour is stated immediately, and for the most of other people of non-British ancestry we have some kind of indicator, most usually their name. For all we know she might have had Arabic or Asian ancestry just as well, but default nationality should be one of the Isles.

jnb, not to offend, but are you perchance "chubby black", have such friend or happen to live in a place with predominant population being that? That might have something to do with you imagination, after all, our mind fills in the bits the book's description lacks from our experience.

Anonymous, film-making was more about the paraphernalia profits and slipping in their chums on background roles, they're been mucking facts and butchering source way since before production started. The stupid uniforms alone made a fortune. They've picked some random girl for the crowd, tagged her with available name... So what if she's black while the original might have been white (not that it was directly stated before the HBP), she doesn't have any lines anyway. For some odd reason there was a bunch of black actors serving no purpose whatsoever, yet Lee (or Colin), who got more lines than all those black actors, minor character though he is, appeared only up the second film, and I didn't see Dean in scenes where he frankly should have been. And we all miss Peeves, of course.

3 Points Flag