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Anonymous commented at 2013-01-23 18:55:24 » #1251738

"Oh what bitch? Guess who just made a hundred jelly sandwiches?!"

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-24 14:40:20 » #1252225

this is fuckin' gay

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-27 18:37:27 » #1254324

This bula fucker is a Yuri and Athena Fanboy, so no surprise he do this kind of....drawing.
Now let's wait and see how this comment gets downvoted to hell or deleted.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-31 12:59:28 » #1256770

This is KOF with a bit Mortal Combat! )))))))))

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-04 10:26:35 » #1259249

Just wait 'til Andy gets there, fucker.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-06 04:56:44 » #1260342

It's just a poorly drawn fan pic.. the hell are you all getting so worked up about? Besides, Yamazaki is badass.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-06 12:54:09 » #1260538

Lmao, you have got to be shitting me, she's a character in a fucking fighting game, a game where everyone beats each other up, men and women alike, the whole female cast in a fighting game can kick just as much ass as the dudes, fighting games have complete equality between the sexes like that, and this is just a fanmade picture, the character Yamazaki is holding could be ANYONE, man or female, the artist probably just chose Mai on random, you're a gigantic idiot who takes shit way too seriously, this picture isn't bad at all, there's THOUSANDS of way worse shit towards women on this site than this harmless little pic, so yes it is strange how you get worked up over small bullshit like this.

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-07 10:02:29 » #1261075

Now the question could be: Why is this picture still here? With all those negative votes should be removed or something, obviously not everyone has shit in their head like the fag saying that fucker with the knife is "badass"....

4 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2013-02-07 10:20:45 » #1261079

Images will never be removed because of a low score.

Score doesn't matter at all in deciding which images are kept or removed, and in fact we generally don't even look at the score of an image before we remove it. Images are judged solely on art quality and adherence to the rules.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-07 13:41:52 » #1261157

Yamazaki is a cool character actually @anon8, you can't blame people for liking a character just because said character was unfortunately once included in a bad unofficial art you disagreed with... hate the artist, not the char or its fans.

11 Points Flag