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Anonymous commented at 2013-03-11 14:59:43 » #1281227

Tarkko's Theorem:
The more girls are having sex together, the hotter it gets.
Proof by induction.

Let n be part of natural numbers (N) s.t. n represents the number of girls (The "HOT" factor). Therefore n < n+1 for all n that belongs to N.

Let n_1 be 1, therefore 1 < 2
Let n_2 be 2, therefore 2 < 3

Let k belong to N be arbitrary, s.t k is greater or equal to n. Let us show that claim is also true with value k+1 when claim is true with values n_1 and n_2. Therefore.
k+1 = k +1 < k+1+1 (By induction assumption) = k+2. So we got
k+1 < k+2.

Therefore by steps 1 and 2 and by induction principle, claim is true for all n that belongs to N.

And now to pay more closer attention to Reika's ass...

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