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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-27 00:45:01 » #1232473

Obito! You bastard!

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-28 19:16:31 » #1233580

Actually,if you stop to think about it...Obito is a victim,Kakashi is the cause. If Kakashi had been in Obitos place, Madara wouldnt have bothered with him(Non Uchiha...not worthy).

Obito wouldnt have killed Rin like Kakashi did.
Obito wouldnt have had a reason to unleash Kurama,thus Minato and Kushina wouldve survived.
Obito probally would have become Narutos teacher.
Sakura wouldnt have graduated. She only graduates on brains and thats likely because the civilian council made shit easier during the third hokages second term to produce more ninja for less effort.

PS,reason cant do normal Clone Jutsu...ITS A GENJUTSU.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-29 00:17:11 » #1233755

That doesn't even make sense Anon 2. There isn't even a civilian council, that's a fanfiction thing writers use to abuse the ever loving shit out of Naruto for no reason. We don't even know why Kakashi killed Rin but you're saying Obito wouldn't have? Why? Because he'd rather die by her hand? Also, Third Hokage didn't make things easier so Sakura would still pass. Kakashi was faster so he would never have gotten crushed instead of Obito and Madara would eventually find someone for his plan to work.

Kakashi isn't even the cause, it was an Iwa ninja. Do you read or watch Naruto at all or get everything from fanfiction?

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-30 19:23:13 » #1235003

Yahhhh...sorry bout that,been reading the fanfics ALOT lately so my facts got majorly distorted.

Still,let me correct facts.

If kakashi had been in the boulderpath instead of Obito,Madara woulda just dismissed him as we all know Uchihas see anyone non uchiha as unworthy.If Obito had avoided the boulder,madara simply would not have gotten a pawn. Going by Obito avoideding the boulder leads to...

Obito talking Kakashi out of killing Rin.He just didnt have the determination to look for the ways.(Lord knows there were PROBALLY ways to avoid that)

Obito wouldnt have unleashed Kurama,thus minato and kushina would have lived.

Obito probally wouldve become Narutos sensei since they relate so much(this is going on the idea that he stays a dobe instead of becoming jaded).

Naruto likely would have gotten a sibling or two in the future.

Sakura wouldnt graduate. Lets face it,if the 4th hokage had been around longer,he woulda put policy changes in place for that fangirl crap.Shes smart,but has NO DAMN BUSINESS being a ninja. Maybe a Medic sure,once someone slaps her dieting ass around a few weeks to knock some sense into her,but not a ninja.

Naruto likely woulda been alot smarter,and alot less bashed on.

AND FINALLY,Non Emo Sasuke. Lets look at it....Itachi being ordered to kill his clan....SO many ways that couldve been handled better.If I didnt know better Id actually blame Danzo using Sharingan to implant the idea just so he could gain more sharingans. That or the old man just was too old to come up with better solutions. Minato wouldve likely been convinced by Kushina to work out another way.(And by Convinced i mean beaten the ever living fuck out of for even suggesting assassinating her best friends family. XD)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-31 13:06:02 » #1235578

Madara wasn't watching the mission, he felt Obito's phasing powers being used. He would never have dismissed Kakashi because he would have never known about him.

We still don't know any fact about this mission. You don't know whether Obito would have even been there, why Kakashi killed Rin, what the deal with the shit loads of Mist Hunter Nin was, nothing. You can say that if Obito was there he would look for other ways but if he is there, "without his phasing and wood powers", all three will die, no one will live. The mist will just slaughter them with sheer numbers.

Naruto's birth would have gone off without a hitch, I'll give you that.

Obito is now dead in your scenario so no Obito-sensei.

Naruto may get siblings in the future, I'll give you that one too. There is no reason to think Minato and Kushina would stop with one kid.

I'll get to the Sakura thing after the next two.

If the alternate Menma world showed us something, it was that Naruto with parents would be smarter. What his personality would be like is unknown as in the other world his parents were cowards which made Menma evil.
How he would be treated would depend largely on his personality. For example, if he was cold and stoic, guys would dislike him, girls would go fangirl except for Hinata. His parents would basically prevent bullying but it's not likje he would escape all negativity. As his heritage is at the forefront, assassination are highly likely, just to get at his parents.

Finally, yes, non-fucked up Sasuke. Sasuke was never emo so let's just correct that first, that would imply he wasn't plotting murder every day and was just sulking and cutting himself, he wasn't.
The reason they (The Uchiha) were staging a rebellion was because of how they were treated post-kurama attack. Since that never happened here there are no actions that need to be taken. They will never try to rebel, they are still happy and un-opressed.

Finally for me, the Sakura thing. The Academy is there to get them ready, Sakura was pretty much a damn master of the Academy. . .as much as I hate to admit that she was master of anything back then. Her Chunin exams performance pretty much proves that, from passing the exam without cheating to her numerous traps and basic first-aid to her skilled usage of the academy three jutsu against both the sound genin and Ino. If she hadn't tied with Ino and actually managed to beat her she might have went on to pass and become a Chunin. . .that fucking hurts me so much to type.

"Why is she so weak though?" <- A question you may ask me. Well let me point something out, "every fucking one of the other main characters from their year came from a clan or had some special advantage." Even Naruto had a fuck-ton of chakra and Kurama. What was Sakura supposed to do? She doesn't even have as much chakra as she should have, let alone a bloodline, a clan or a demon. She had her brain and she used it amazingly.
She even scored higher than Ino in the academy and fought her to a tie using the power of her craziness. I'm somehow making myself a fan of Sakura. (Wut? O_O?)

You want to tell me that just because she didn't try even harder when she was so good (still hurts) that she shouldn't have become a Kunoichi? That would just be wrong.

This is interesting though, since Tsunade wouldn't come back and Sasuke wouldn't leave, she wouldn't get that training from Tsunade. . .I wonder what she would have become if she would have kept following her own path and hadn't become a second Tsunade. What do you think?

So let's sum this up. Kakashi and Rin, definitely gonna die. Obito may or may not die depending on whether he goes on that mission. The Uchiha wouldn't rebel, wouldn't get exterminated, Itachi wouldn't defect and Sasuke would become the happy playboy from the Menma world.

Naruto might get siblings but what exactly Naruto will be like is up in the air. If Naruto becomes a mini-Kushina again and Obito lives and doesn't start copying Kakashi like Kakashi started copying Obito after he and Rin die then yes, Obito-sensei.

Madara wouldn't let himself pass away so Obito could revive him later so he would still be scheming. Orochimaru might contact him at some point though as it was confirmed he knew Madara was still alive.

The entire "Pein" thing is different now too come to think about it.

Lastly, Sakura still passes because fuck you, she was a perfect student in every way except Taijutsu. To be fair, since she won't be fangirling out this time around she'll probably be even better. That's in the air too though since she won't be competing with Ino.

Now that I mention Ino, why didn't you mention her in your fangirl segement? She was kinda worse since she lost to Sakura at the academy as far as grades go, tied with Sakura at the Chunin Exams and had a clan supporting her. She could have learned and trained more too but you never mentioned her. . . .

Is your dislike of Sakura like it was for me? Because she smacked Naruto around all the time? Because at least that's what I told people when I said I didn't like her, because she was a crazy, violent bitch. I didn't hate her for the fangirl thing, I hated her because she was a complete ass to one of my favorite characters. Ino gained points for being semi-neutral to him for me. . .and for you too I see.

Just don't lie about why you dislike her in the future.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-03 19:42:33 » #1238370

wow anon5, u wrote a lot @_@

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-05 09:04:38 » #1239201

Yeah. . .didn't really notice until after I had posted. Probably should have read over it too since I see a few errors that might confuse people. The main one is what I meant when talking about Naruto. I meant to say "assassination attempts are highly likely."

As in, it is likely that the other villages, mostly Iwa and Kumo but probably Suna as well, would send anonymous assassins to try and kill Naruto to devastate his parents without exposing themselves in the process.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-05 09:20:32 » #1239210

welp, this thread needs to be blanked

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-05 09:21:54 » #1239211

this is clogging up the comments tab

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-06 01:06:28 » #1239780

Anon5 is awesome and has an amazing understanding of the Naruto series as well as some superb writing skill.

6 Points Flag