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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 02:27:24 » #1227408

I wonder if Tenten is carrying his child? O.o

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 05:12:38 » #1227463

Considering that in the Naruto Universe pregnancy automatically means you're essientially retired from the ninja force forever, doubt it. Hell, with possible exception of Tsume, every single mother kunoichi stayed home from the war. With Kurenai, it makes a bit of sense given that her kid is a newborn but all the others' children are in their teens and they still gotta stay in the kitchen.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 06:32:11 » #1227476

Rest in peace Hyuga Neji-kun. :'(

40 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 14:19:48 » #1227635

You know staying dead is not always for forever in the naruto universe?

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 14:20:10 » #1227636

Hopefully then can bring him back

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 14:24:53 » #1227639

I don't. That'd be cheap and it'd diminish the sacrifice.

People die in wars..

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 20:23:51 » #1227791

Less so in the naruto universe

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-20 18:53:10 » #1228423

People complained so long that this war was lame because no named character ever died...and now that one died before their eyes, they complain because it was someone they liked. Give me a break.

Why are people so obsessed with Neji coming back to life?
He was a good character but do people really don't care how much the story is ruined (more than it already is) if the author pulled the "revive everyone" trick all the time only so the fans won't stay butthurt because their favorite character died?

It was bad already that he did it once during the Pain saga, and a major blow to the manga's integrity...but now people want it to happen AGAIN only because they liked Neji too much? Sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. Let dead people stay dead goddamit.

Dragonball's main fault was that those damn spheres made it so death didn't have any consequences for the characters because everyone could just keep being wished back to life. Do people really want the mangaka to repeat that same mistake in Naruto? Death is supposed to be absolute, and that's what makes a good action story. Edo Tensei is different because its more like "necromancy" than actual revival, but Rinne Tensei is an hypocresy.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-21 05:37:33 » #1228756

1228423's got a point. I was bummed out when Byakuya died and even more so when he begged Ichigo to save Soul Society before he really died. But I was pissed when it was revealed that he was still alive and would recover. I honestly didn't understand in DBZ why people acted like it was a big deal when someone died. To them, it was less of an inconvienence than their car breaking down.

Basically, if you're going to kill someone, keep them dead.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-21 10:42:16 » #1228857

Wow. Out of all the things I had to spoil myself on Naruto, it had to be the one of the few things I didn't want to happen. Neji Hyuuga was really my favorite character, and to learn that this is his tragic fate, I really don't feel like watching or reading the series anymore, and he was only 17. I really wanted to see Neji prosper and grow in the series, learn new attacks, have his own aventures and lead more, get stronger and really follow his own dreams and goals in life rather than just die amicably and heroicly for someone elses big dreams and goals, that being Naruto. I honestly wanted to see him become like a husband and even more a father, perhaps to Tenten, but he gave his life for his family and friends. What a great man and wonderful show of character unlike many of the other ignorant characters in the series, the Uchihas, Sasuke, Obito and Madara, and others like Danzo, Hanzo, ect......

On the topic returning Neji to life from the dead, I'm really on the fence on it. I really don't want to feel like a hypocrite about it, because I'm going to jump into a topic of comics book characters, but I learned that the previous Flash, Barry Allen was coming back to life.....after about 23 years, I thought to myself that's pretty awesome, we're going to have like a Flash Family or Flash Corps like the Batman Family or Green Lantern Corps, but it happens for about one issue, and then Barry fully takes on the role of the Flash and the current Flash of the time and favorite character, Wally West got pushed to the side and then Flashpoint and the New 52 happened, and Wally West is currently nowhere in sight.....as of yet. It just seems for Naruto, they're really biased about bringing anyone to life, like Kakashi and Shizune died, which really sucked but they came back to life at the end of the Pain saga, it was like put a bandaid on it and everythings cool. Overall, do I feel like Neji should come back to the land of the living? Honestly, I would like to see him back alive. I would be nice, but I also understand that death is permanent, well in real life. Again, Neji Hyuuga, a great man and wonderful character. I really wanted to see much more from him, but it appears that that promise has been taken away.

Ahhhh....I've written too much. Perhaps somone will read this and hopefully comment perhaps.

8 Points Flag