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YuriLover51 commented at 2012-09-17 12:58:10 » #1163128

I wish Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society would air on Adult Swim Toonami already, i've seen both seasons 1 and 2 countless times.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-19 03:11:37 » #1164214

That gun looks like a P-90, granted heavily modified but then again this is supposed to be the future.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-21 10:13:03 » #1165651

Anon 1164214, The gun is actually a Seburo, from a fictional in universe gun company of the same name. Many of the designs are bull-pup type weapons.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-30 06:44:23 » #1171536

YuriLover51, just get with the times and download it like everyone else, or if your a goody then buy it. Im sure its only a tenner these days. Or watch it online. No need to wait for a TV airing when you have the internet, and some initiative!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-10 04:10:10 » #1178310

I don't really see a P90 in that Seburo... it's more like an FN2000.

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