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Anonymous commented at 2012-08-14 18:28:40 » #1139163

to bad it was confirmed recently its actually a man

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-14 19:24:59 » #1139189

^ Recently? I'm pretty sure it's been known almost since his creation that he was a man, stupid rumors aside.

But yeah, that's a man. I'm not a guy, so I don't know for sure, but shouldn't those tight hotshorts be causing some serious pain down there?

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-16 18:06:13 » #1140496

I gotta laugh every time I see on a Poison pic some idiot has to go "DUR ITZ A MAN!!!!!". Trust me we KNOW its been known for about 20 years and people who say Capcom has said otherwise or "she's too hot to be a man" are just in denial. If you do some research you'd know she was created to be a newhalf even before the game was released in JAPAN!!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-16 18:08:15 » #1140499

Forgive my ignorance, but...wasn't she created as a woman, and got changed because people might be uncomfortable beating on a woman?

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-16 19:50:05 » #1140580

Incorrect. Poison was a newhalf since the beginning.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-16 20:26:18 » #1140598

Cite your source please Anon3, because almost everything I've looked into said that Anonymous #2 is correct, Poison was originally drafted as a woman along with the "Roxy" template, but changed to be a newhalf because of potential negative backlash for violence against a woman.

Which amuses me to no end when people will get all up and arms to defend Poison's newhalf status, when the only reason she was made such was so people can beat the everloving shit out of her with a clear conscience.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-23 00:55:42 » #1145186

There was an original design document where the moon runes under Poison's original character spelled out "Newhalf". That's the citation everyone uses. A quick Google search should bring up pics of the document in question; it's generally considered to be legit.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-28 00:39:08 » #1148912

This video explains a lot about Poison's origin and what really happened up till now.


Sit tight though it's about 20 minutes long.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-20 01:11:41 » #1184979

Poison is originally a transgender, the original creators of the first game she was debuted in had made notes of her S.O. on their art when first coming up with her character concept.

Also in one game (some sort of card game ? [It was shown on a YT vid.]) it has admitted that poison was inspired by roxy when he was kid to behave female&cross-dress an later receiving a sex-change.

Americans had a problem with beating women an had game companies panic and said she was a man originally to solve the problem.

But... Capcom has admitted that she has had a "change" but that evidence was later removed and has gone back on it and has said she is all fem. But in Asia she is actually transgendered.

an what Capcom has said is not true, depending on what you find and or believe.

As what anon 1140598 said:

Anonymous >> #1140598

Which amuses me to no end when people will get all up and arms to defend Poison's newhalf status, when the only reason she was made such was so people can beat the everloving shit out of her with a clear conscience.

3 Points Flag
XxEmoValxX commented at 2012-11-24 08:49:36 » #1210101

damn everyone should just stop arguing can we all just agree she's fuckin sexy and move on with r lives who cares if she was a man woman or half man half woman this pix r posted for pleasure not a whole conference about it if u like her as both chick and futa good look it up if not then just look at stuff like this I like her either way and I wish people wouldn't argue over something like a fictional characters gender

1 Points Flag