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Anonymous commented at 2015-07-06 14:32:53 » #1771958


This may sound kind of fucked up, but...

As long as death, disease (STD), possibly pregnancy (maybe even corruption?) isn't involved, it seems like being raped wouldn't be a problem. :? Well, I guess you are sort of being forced against your will and especially if it was all the time...

I don't know, with those problems out of the way, and to keep myself from being a virgin, I'd almost want to be raped... >///< Ugh, wtf is wrong with me? T///T

Of course, I'd rather have it the normal way (erm, consensually that is) more than anything, but...

I honestly wonder if it's possible for a rapist to be remotely sympathetic because they only rape people out of a desire for sex out of constant rejection and possibly being a virgin, and if they'd even use a condom, they just want sex and don't mean to hurt their victim but don't know what else to do about it. o.O An anti-villain rapist... That would be really weird. XD

Well, cause and effect, cause and effect, even with sympathetic motivations it doesn't really change the result, so who knows...

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-06 14:33:35 » #1771959


Also, whatever the heck the MMO of Ragnarok Online is, the hentai of it at least that I've seen on here seems pretty insane. o.O

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-29 20:53:48 » #1857218

Rape is a crime because it removes agency from the victim. Theft of agency is the most heinous sort of theft.

But if you remove any consequences, then...well if that's your thing then that's your thing. Fantasies are called fantasies for a reason.

4 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2015-11-29 20:59:24 » #1857222

Rape fantasy and actual rape are two different things. I know this should be common sense, but people lack it at times.

4 Points Flag
MomotarouMikoshiba commented at 2015-11-29 21:47:54 » #1857249

This image is fucking disgusting and wrong. Rape is never sexy or cute.

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