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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-08 10:35:59 » #1336391

I'd tap that.

1 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2013-06-08 11:55:38 » #1336436

・選択時の操作音 [レ] (※解除不可)
・入力時バイブレーション [レ] (※解除不可)

・Make noise on selection [X] (※Cannot be disabled)
・Vibrate on input [X] (※Cannot be disabled)
The flick and tap input method is so intuitive, even an idio... Even Yukko can use it.
If you look into Nano-chan's eyes after this, you can browse the internet.
Just make sure she doesn't overheat (lol).
……「スマート(smart)」 means "intelligent"...... Hm? Hmm??

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