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XerBlade commented at 2011-12-14 09:28:19 » #950950

For the love of ORT, people, quit linking the source to the Pixiv images themselves! Link to the artist pages for the images! Pixiv doesn't allow image hotlinking (if it seems to work when you test a link you just posted, it's only because you still have the image in your cache)! It took me forever to find this image the old-fashioned way just so I could confirm whether the artist intended for this to be genderswap or trap!

Anyway, I eventually found it (changed source link appropriately), and, sure enough, just like I thought, it had the [JP] tag for trap on it. So, regardless of what some idiot on danbooru (funnily enough, danbooru actually had the correct source link when I checked just now...) decided to tag it with, this is NOT genderswap.

4 Points Flag
thedarkness commented at 2011-12-16 02:55:24 » #952540

This is from Danbooru, and their policy is to link directly to the source, so that's why. Most people here actually link to the correct place on Pixiv.

Also the idiot that tagged it was from Danbooru as well, as you can see from the tag history.

2 Points Flag