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BLACK-HAND commented at 2012-01-13 15:14:41 » #976040

Plot Idea: Catthie's Big Day

Every single year the biggest event in the entire hucows industry, is the Nation Wide fair. In it, hucows from around the country are brought to partake in a wide range of exhibitions, carnival games,s ales pitches, and most importantly of all, the yearly pageant for the best Hucow in America.

The Pageant consists of five different categories all of which every cow must take place in. They are the sexual pleasing competition, the attractiveness competition, milk giving yield competition, ease of milking, and best breeder.

Cattie, the daughter of the ranch's first hucow, was never the most popular cow even at the barn. Because she was so young and foolish, and because she never seemed to really be able to give quite the production necessarily to make one of the top cows. So she would never expect to chosen as this years Representative from their barn. What had secretly happened behind the scenes was that some corporate agent had switched out the names of the two cows during the submition period. That way one of the worse cows instead of one of the better ones got the job. Too late to file a switch report, the farm had no choice but to enter the inepieranced cow into the pageant, sending their best trainer to help her. He has seven days to make a real Hucow out of her.

But this miracle trainer doesn't have attention sole on Cattie. Winning the competition can do a lot of things towards a ranch's popularity. His job is to find out whoever was responsible for sabotaging the submission, and make them pay.

I hope you enjoyed reading the plot I wrote out above. If you are a female RPer interested in the idea, please message me on the site. If not then I hope you enjoyed. Anyone is not only free too, but recommended to share with em your thoughts thoughts and suggestions

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-21 15:12:07 » #2121423

Damn black hand amazing writing and great plot someone needs to make a hentai about it

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-21 15:12:32 » #2121424

Damn black hand amazing writing and great plot someone needs to make a hentai about it

0 Points Flag