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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-05 16:44:39 » #894638

ove all the characters that had to die they chose to kill him off

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-05 23:57:49 » #894915

I don't understand why he is popular. "I'm mysterious and evil, I'm also totally NOT a good guy... or not." That was all we got other then a possible relationship between him and Rangiku happening if he was still alive.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 02:29:57 » #895910

He was ALWAYS supporting the Soul Society dude. And Rangiku was the biggest reason. I'd rather they had killed off that useless fatass Omaeda than Gin.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 22:17:38 » #896490

Still more popularity then he deserves, he may have been supporting the Soul Society but did he have to cut that one girl in freakin half?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 23:48:01 » #896531

I love how everyone just forgot how he split Hiyori in two and broke Rukia's spirit...

Still Gin is awesome haha!

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-08 19:11:39 » #897102

The guy above you just said that?

3 Points Flag
Naraku_no_Hana commented at 2011-10-11 08:19:19 » #899093

Always supporting Soul Society? Um, no. He was only out for revenge, and he knew he was nothing more than a treacherous snake. Is it sad he died? Sure, but don't go making him so great martyr. I'd much rather have Tia Harribel back anyways, not to mention the dozens of side characters that mysteriously dissappeared

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-11 21:10:00 » #899518

It was explained in one of the official info books or w/e they are called that Tia and the rest of her Arrancar were healed by Orihime.

3 Points Flag