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BR4NagiLover commented at 2013-08-21 14:31:49 » #1384260

Read Brandish (animation doesn't have much).

0 Points Flag
Napalm_Death commented at 2014-02-21 15:45:11 » #1491876


Taimanin Asagi, Kuroinu, Kangoku Senkan, etc.

Nope. They're supposed to be fighters/soldiers/knights/etc. yet they are absolutely horrendous at that (Faux Action Girls at their absolute finest...). Hell, even the males are incompetent when it comes to hentai except when they're the bad guys. Even then, their plans if they are the bad guys have a lot of flaws that are EASILY exploitable.

Losing to fodder? Yeah, to hell with that.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-11 07:41:31 » #1501382

I don't really get your conversation......but

You think werewolves are weaks, now?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-09 12:21:41 » #1649333

nice! do all females fight naked in this anime?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-24 01:00:34 » #1694113

She'll continue to loop until she accepts her loli self

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-18 22:28:15 » #1851212

I'm just laughing at these comments about 'heroines losing to weak monsters' cause in the context of this gif;

1: Mina is not a 'heroine'. She's a She's a 'dark ruler' type who just happens to be strong because she's also queen of the vampires.


2: Akira is not by any means one of the 'weak monsters'. He's shown throughout the series time and again to be one of the toughest characters around.

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2015-11-18 23:11:37 » #1851227

@Troubleman So femdom? I think I saw a non-villain example (a sort of anti-hero, if you can even use rapist and that in the same sentence) in a Hentai involving a biker chick and her gang. Even female villains raping seems to not happen often and sometimes the male villain back stab them and they end up raped. Ugh.

@Napalm_Death Yeah, the people who are quick to point out the heroines failing seem to forget the male allies get screwed over as well in a different way. At least show an epic battle and show both sides kicking ass, killing millions of mooks before losing to a boss so we can see the heroins and the men are actually the badass warriors instead of being told and never shown.

1 Points Flag