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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-24 14:47:47 » #857562

she is actually Evigishki Mind Augus. not ritua erial

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-24 21:11:07 » #857814

Technically the same card either way,as it's easy to tell it's Eria/Erial either way.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-25 00:52:33 » #858035

not really. erial doesn't have those red marks on her face

11 Points Flag
Espada_Vampiro commented at 2011-08-25 23:33:35 » #858865

Well Mind Augus is Erial, it's pretty easy to tell that, and I don't know HOW you can't tell that Erial is Eria and Wynnda is Wynn, it's pretty easy to tell, they look almost exactly like them, and even have those names in their names, just with a letter or two added on =/.

I mean no offense to no one, but I'm a huge fan of the Charmers, so I can tell if they have a "New Form" or "Reincarnated Self", and Eria IS Erial and Wynn IS Wynnda.

3 Points Flag