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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-08 05:38:15 » #839475

I would put this as Alpha-Omega-Oh.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-10 23:42:18 » #842723

It may not be as big as TTGL, but this megazord certianly wins in the face quantity department.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-17 01:45:48 » #849498

Rangers' ultimate weapon: EPIC AWESOME MEGAZORD!!!

The Forces of Evil then wet themselves, and cried in fear...

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-27 23:12:23 » #860672

According to all the downvoted comments, M*g*Z*rd=butthurt.

Fucking weaboos.

5 Points Flag
Hydronix commented at 2011-09-04 00:20:42 » #867774

I would definitely call this combination a Megazord, though. I forget what the universal term for the Super Sentai version was called. I mean... there is a term for it, right?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-09 06:58:11 » #872820

This is no megazord. It's not an ultrazord either.

It's a Supergigahyperbadassawesomesaucezord.

4 Points Flag
RHF commented at 2011-09-14 22:31:12 » #877621

Well, if they just keep that as they ultimate robot, no way could evil stand a chance

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 14:40:02 » #896242

I'm a Super Sentai fan and think, currently, the Power Rangers franchise is stupid (Mainly because the current season is just a watered-down copy of a much better series), but I'll still refer to transforming as "Morphing," call the mecha "Zords" and the combined mecha "Megazords," because it's simply easier to have universal terminology.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-13 15:32:22 » #900749

Never seen Super Sentai,but I was cool with Power Rangers up until SPD.That was just not good,though Mytic Force was alright.

As for the picture,....So.Much.Win.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-11-07 06:25:07 » #920878

I started losing interest in PR around halfway through Turbo. Getting rid of the characters I had come to know and love was a bit of a turn-off for me.

I stopped watching when Lost Galaxy started. I didn't like the new serious direction the series was trying to go in, though I still caught an episode or two every now and then.

When Dino Thunder started, bringing with it one of my old childhood heroes, I began watching again, and my interest held up until Mystic Force, when I started to lose interest again.

I tried to get into PR again when Samurai started, but... ugh, I cringe just thinking about it. They raped the original opening song (and added an embarrassing and unnecessary role call), omitted the origin story, use the ranger weapons in "human form" (it just looks dumb, and the actors swing the weapons lazily), and inserted retarded non-words ("sam-tastic-al", anyone?).

I pray for the day that Power Rangers is good again.

3 Points Flag