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Valorbrett commented at 2011-07-31 02:52:11 » #830581

You guys ever notice how cat girls have really long hair that covers the sides of their heads to compensate for the fact showing a cat girl with short hair would be freaky because they would have a flat sided head due to no human ears?

I can never fap when I think of it.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-31 03:11:05 » #830598

actually to ease ur thinking and to relieve you of you unableness to fap check this out gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=965195

5 Points Flag
Valorbrett commented at 2011-08-02 00:52:51 » #832766

But that makes no fucking sense to have two sets of ears goddamn.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-02 01:23:06 » #832794

huh? but it makes sense to have one set of cat ears and a tail?!

5 Points Flag