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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-11 09:38:12 » #502639

Chiyo Mihama, now 18 years old.

Already in her 3rd year College at (Name of American Prestigious University here), she decides to take a break from all, and goes back to Japan for reconnecting her memories she missed dearly, particularly her High-School Pals.

Mr. Tadakichi, now a fully grown dog, around 5 yrs. old, still loves the master.

Finally has a reunion..............at the beachhouse they've been visiting during their highschool years, she observes that Sakaki's cat, Maya, is now full grown, now behaves 1/2 wildcat - 1/2 domestic cat, and few of her friends are now "In a Relationship".

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-11 09:39:47 » #502640

.................Almost forgot:

She still have trouble eliminating that fear ever since the dreaded "Yukari-Mobile" really trauma-ed her good, now she is trying to cope this: By driving by herself.

How's that for a "Story". :D

9 Points Flag