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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-22 21:54:23 » #821366

added a bunch of tags, now debating with myself whether those are pink or white panties/bra (not my tag, and I don't like editing other people's tags)

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Lord_Garthaur commented at 2011-07-23 16:13:01 » #822156

They look pink, if you compare to skin tone, panty color, and especially the adjacent shirt color, which is clearly white, even considering the lighting.

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horndog6245 commented at 2011-07-23 19:36:08 » #822319

they look white

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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-24 12:31:30 » #823155

No, they really don't. Look at her right breast; see how the bra over it has a slightly pink hue as compared to the white shirt arm right next to it? Even given the lighting, if it was white, you might see some saturation or contrast or brightness change... but it wouldn't look quite that color. You've got a white comparison next to it, against which the bra is clearly pink. The panties, though? Not as easy to tell.

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Anonymous commented at 2011-09-05 18:35:13 » #869441

the panties and bra are white, is sunset, so the color will shift some

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