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Anonymous commented at 2011-08-10 22:23:47 » #842633

Actually the developers said that a LOT of characters health got lowered. That's why it looks like everybody does more damage in some of the previews so far. Phoenix's projectiles and Wesker's teleports also got nerfed some, which I can say is good considering they're both very, very overused.

3 Points Flag
EggInABasket commented at 2011-08-12 04:24:44 » #844260

I'm happy that they added in new characters and a few new movesets. But is anyone else pissed that they got MvC3 when it first came out for $60? I mean, I don't think another game was necessary. I think they should have just made this DLC instead of making people go pay for a completely different game~ Just my opinion..~

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-30 15:19:53 » #863226

F*** Gambit. he is way to easy to beat. all he is for is jumping from wall to wall so your teammates can heal... he is predictable.
If they put Jin... in... they must be really not care if no one will buy it for a new disc. No one but spammers like Jin. Or they will power him down so much.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-30 15:23:46 » #863228

Or... they will just put everyone back so people will mind having crappy characters back. Like Marrow, Gambit, Jin, The stupid Lego thing, Little Red, and etc. They put a lawyer in this... is he for countering?? OBJECTION! No air combo for you. nor special bars. nor infinite Combos... Damn Spammers

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-06 20:02:36 » #870483

-AngryJoe Review-
I kinda of agree with him I mean aside from new characters
-I don't give a fuck about Hawkeye I mean we already have what 4 fucking Avengers in it and now they put Hawkeye..ya know instead of maybe Loki? or if another avenger Scarlet Witch (CHAOS MAGIC)-..and rocket rackoon spelling

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-10 21:28:48 » #874219

Wheres Phoenix Wright??????

4 Points Flag
Schmeck commented at 2011-10-04 04:22:36 » #893368


"You need it!"

3 Points Flag