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Bomber64 commented at 2011-07-17 17:55:02 » #815344

Still the best legendary trio

3 Points Flag
Lurkerella commented at 2011-07-17 20:40:26 » #815497

I don't hate them, but I don't think they are that amazing. There is nothing about them that makes them Legendary besides their stats and that's probably because they are part of the first bunch of Pokemon.

All legendary trios have myths and legends behind them (like the Tao Trio, or the Beasts regarding the myth of their birth according to the religion in Ecruteak/Enji City), or are heroes (like the Musketeer Trio or the Beast trio again if you count the anime) or are a key character in the creation of the Pokemon World (like the Lake Guardians, Weather Trio and obviously the Creation Trio).

The Birds and Kami Trio so far are only important for controlling the weather on their respective side of the world, which is pretty much something other Legendary Pokemon can do if they weren't sleeping or just being lazy :Y

Well, I guess the Pokemon world can thank them for that as long as they don't go bashit insane like in Movie 2.

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