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childlover commented at 2011-07-17 03:05:29 » #814713

(Maths teacher)
Erm not what I meant by three into one but please, carry on.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-17 21:31:46 » #815535

Well, this can't end well. Giant monster demons and all that, not a great idea to rape a woman that is hosting one, they feed on negative energy after all so the rape is probably going to kill them. Great while it lasted though aparently.

5 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2011-07-28 20:41:39 » #828064

They feed on the negative emotions of their hosts to become stronger in the long run, then are reborn as the host's child, not some kind of thing through a few mental gymnastic hoops and then some brains exploding trying to figure out how you got to that random theory and eventually on to sucking the life energy out of rapists, so I see no reason they can't live through this.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-02 11:30:07 » #833186

If you truly cared to read the manga then you would have realized that while that is a possibility, if they feed on enough negative energy then they can physically manifest themselves in an incredibly powerful form once they exit the host instead of coming out looking like a lame ghost out of Luigi's mansion. As seen in the body switcher and the godzilla one. Heck, if they gain enough negative energy then they can split from their host early.

. . . .so hah. . .

4 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2011-09-07 14:45:24 » #871200

Both of those examples were examples of really powerful ones, yes, but they still are very limited in what they can do in that form (they can't even really hurt people, so no enslaving humanity...), just able to resist being sealed at best, so they were really just looking to go possess someone new, not go around and kick some ass and take over the world or something in that form.
And the splitting from their host early thing is just you BSing around. Sure, they can do that, but they can do that WHENEVER THEY WANT, as seen in the case of the old lady. It has nothing to do with how much power they have. They generally don't WANT to do that, though, no matter how powerful they have become, because they cannot accomplish their true resurrection that way.

Also, everything you said is completely unrelated to the original... argument, so you're just wasting your time anyway. Seriously, read the person before me, then read my comment, and see that we were talking about a different topic than you to begin with.

4 Points Flag