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Ticket Information - ID: #1224

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001224Feature RequestnormalN/A09/14/22 01:19PMOmo_Fan
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Sorting by popularity
Description:I am completely fed up with a certain other booru and their subscription nonsense. The last straw was creating a new limit of 2 non-safe tags in search for non-subscribed users. There's just one problem: I miss to their sort by popularity.

It's very handy for seeing an artist's most popular work, cutting less-appealing images from a search when trying to find a specific image by tags and getting a stream of generally-appealing new works rotating in and out over time. It's the #1 feature that's kept me with that other booru despite their boneheaded business tactics, increasingly annoying ad placement and questionable opinions on the part of the site's news staff.

The score system doesn't match this use case. Longstanding top-scored images are hard to overcome and require user input to promote. Searches sorted by score bring up numerous images from several years ago depending on the content, so score clearly isn't suitable for finding newer images that are currently popular for a particular combination of tags. It's a stagnant system that dampens my ability to find new content without wading through low-quality posts.

I understand that tracking might be a difficult prospect (especially considering the database load of a decaying counter that's triggered on page visit). Please let me know if there's a suitable alternative, other than using that other booru.
Additional Info:
Omo_Fan replied at 2022-09-29 21:06:10
It's possible to sort by score and by post ID.

For example, a search for "sort:score id:>=7755957" gives all posts made after 00:04 of 09/29/22 (I found the right post ID by trail and error).

Or you could search "sort:score id:>=X" (replacing x with the most recent post's ID minus 4000) to get the most recent 4000 posts sorted by score.