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Ticket Information - ID: #1219

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001219Bug Reportingnormalalways08/21/22 01:03PMJerl
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Version:Beta 0.2.5
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Blacklist does not work
Description:My account blacklist does not work, blocked results keep appearing.
Additional Info:
Juanpa98ar replied at 2022-08-21 15:56:27
Perhaps too many blocked searches.

Jerl replied at 2022-08-22 14:52:40
Please provide your blacklist so we can troubleshoot this. You can post it here, or send it to either lozertuser or myself via the site mail system if you don't feel comfortable sharing it with others.

Jerl replied at 2022-08-22 19:41:50
It sounds like you're probably exceeding the maximum HTTP request header size. While we keep a copy of your blacklist so you can sync it across devices, what's actually used when you make a search is the one stored in your browser cookies. The maximum size of the HTTP request header, which includes your cookies, the URL you're requesting, and other values sent by your browser so the server knows what your browser expects to receive back, accepted by our server is 4kb. That blacklist by itself is ~3kb, and the rest of the request header can easily take up 1kb.

The blacklist also doesn't like special characters. Try removing yuku~ and see if it starts blocking the rest after.

Jerl replied at 2022-08-23 11:15:28
Nothing in our code adds a linebreak, so that has to be something either you or your browser is doing. If there are any linebreaks in any list of tags, whether it's your blacklist or a post's tags, it will break things.

Juanpa98ar replied at 2022-08-23 12:30:43
I don't mean a linebreak like the ones in programming, just that the box runs out and that's why it's still in the bottom line, and I'm not allowed to put another tag. Anyway, if this situation has no solution, it is not a problem either, I went too far putting tags in a crazy way.

Trala123 replied at 2022-09-17 15:34:36
Actually, here, I can replicate the issue on Firefox MOBILE. On my desktop, my rather large blacklist works as intended but not on mobile. I know that because I block anal and anal stuff appears.

Jerl replied at 2022-09-18 11:13:43
If it only happens on specific devices or browsers, it's a browser issue, not a problem with Gelbooru.